



Healthy refreshment

Under the RIO brand, our customers have long enjoyed trendy, refreshing drinks packed with vitamins and exotic flavours.

No artificial sweeteners

We take pride in the quality of our fruit juices and drinks, and your health is our priority. That’s why we never add artificial sweeteners to our beverages.

Less sugar, more taste

We are always striving to reduce the sugar content in our drinks. We add little or no sugar, while preserving the very best taste.

Vitamin H2O

Less sugar, more refreshment, packed with vitamins


Refreshment with real pieces of fruit

RIO Craft

100% fruit juices in a durable, eco-friendly package

RIO Stevia

Less sugar, thanks to the natural sweetness of Stevia extracts

Bubble Tea

Fruit drink with jelly balls

Stay updated with our latest news

My v RIO na ženy 🌹 myslíme každý deň, nielen na MDŽ. 💜♥️💜
#rio #riocoldpress #mdž
Lyže, kamaráti a Rio Ginger Shot. 😍 Lepšiu kombináciu si nevieme ani len predstaviť! ⛷️❄️ Ďakujeme za krásne fotky. 📸
#rio #riocoldpress #lyzovacka
Sivé dni si zaslúžia trochu farby! 💛💚 Rio Ginger shot vám dodá energiu, boost imunity a chuť do posledných zimných dní. 💪🍏
#rio #riocoldpress #gingershot
Láska na prvý dúšok! ❤️ Kombinácia jablka, cvikly a zázvoru v našich Rio ginger shotoch vám aj vašej polovičke vyboostuje imunitu na maximum. 💪
#rio #riocoldpress #valentin